Grazyna Karnas

Small Building Construction Companies In Cape Town

  • 087 711-0441
  • 071 276-8174

Domingo Construction your builder to call.

We offer various services with each department independent of the other,qualified artisans and tradesmen are employed,We also manufacture and install alluminium windows,doors-stacker doors-frameless glass balistrates-shopfronts and glass office partitions.Bathroom renovations damp-proofing and water-proofing.

Building alterations-renovations and additions.No job is too big or too small for us to undertake and quality workmanship guaranteed.Time Line and finishing works depend on the quality requirements of the client.All our quotations is itemised.

We are also drywall contractors situated in Cape Town.

Why Choose Us.

We have over 35 years experience in the construction industry,from multi story buildings to domestic and commercial construction,building alterations,renovations and additions we also do property maintenance commercial and domestic.When we enter into a building contract with a client we provide the client with a building works time line-and we always complete our projects within the completion date specified.

We deliver quality

Quality worksmanship is guaranteed as the site foremen inspect quality every hour final daily quality is approved by the clients.Call Us 087 711-0441

Always on time

Weekly timeline reports and daily site supervision and daily quality inspections give us the advantage to complete all our projects on time.

Qualified Artisans

Our artisans and tradesmen are qualified our finishing hand artisans are well experienced in finishing works.Site Foremen do hourly inspections.

Professional Services

Our services extend to after services as well, our clients can rest assured that their building works project is in good hands.Whatsapp Us:071 276-8174


Building contractors

Alterations & Renovations

Domingo Construction do all types of renovations,additions,alterations to client specifications you name it we construct it.Quotations are worked out in accordance with our Bill of Quantities and labour Cost.All areas even in Paarl.

Quality Workmanship Guaranteed.



We also draw plans and submit to local authority for approval.We have also structural engineers to assist with any drawings and inspections.We employ only qualified bricklayers and artisans. for quality workmanship.Competitive Prices.

Plans Drawn & Submit to council

Bathroom renovations


Our Division Domingo Plumbing are specialist in bathroom renovations,qualified licensed plumbers are ready to assist with your bathroom and kitchen renovations.They also do property maintenance and electrical installations.Cheap Call out Fees.

Click Domingo Plumbing Website

Waterproofing contractors


Our Roofing department are specialist in Roof Installations- Maintenance- Water-Proofing and Damp-Proofing.Qualified roofers and artisans that knows their job.We do labour only quotes or fix and supply quotes.

We are roofing & Re-roofing Specialist.



We have qualified tilers that will attend to all your tiling needs-porcelain- ceramic-terracotta-trevatene you name it we tile it.Certain areas to be tiled is per square metre like floors - but bathroom walls - shower floors- costing is per day rate.

Competitive Prices- we work All areas.

Ceiling & Drywalling


Domingo Ceilings and Partitioning is equipt with qualified artisans and tradesmen that will attend to all your drywall and Suspended -skim -pine ceilings needs-Bulkheads-Glass Panel Partitions- and workstations-office carpet installations.

Click Here Domingo Partitioning.

wooden decking - Flooring

Decking,Mezzanine Flooring

We do all types of decking and mezzanine flooring timber or steel depends structural engineer's requirements.Balau-Masaranduba-Garapa decking Bamboo-Laminated-Pine - Vinyl Flooring-No job too big or too small.

We do all types of decking & Flooring

Property Maintenance


We do domestic,industrial and commercial property maintenance services water-proofing,plumbing and drainage-storm water drainage,electrical renovations alterations additions plastering drywall suspended and skim ceilings.

Plumbing Electrical Drainage Drywall

Alluminium Windows


One of our divisions Domingo Alluminium manufacture and install alluminium windows doors stacker doors shopfronts glass partitions frameless glass balistrates sliding doors sliding windows-skylights glass panel partitions.

Click Here Domingo Alluminium

Domingo Construction is reliable builders-building contractors construction companies in Cape Town

Ons Dienste aangebied.


Opknappings & Aanvullings

Domingo Konstruksie doen alle soorte opknappings, aanvullings, wysigings aan die kliënt spesifikasies wat u noem, ons bou dit. Aanhalings word uitgewerk in ooreenstemming met ons Handves van Hoeveelhede en arbeidskoste.

bouwerk pleister loodgietery riool

Badkamer Opknappings

Spesialiste in Badkamer Opknappings

Ons Afdeling Domingo Loodgieterswerk is spesialiste in opknapping van badkamers, gekwalifiseerde loodgieters wat goedgekeur is, is gereed om te help met die opknapping van u badkamer en kombuis.

Klik hier vir Domingo Plumbing web

Bouwerk Pleisterwerk


Ons stel ook planne op en dien in by die plaaslike owerheid voorgelê vir goedkeuring. Ons het ook konstruksie-ingenieurs om te help met tekeninge en inspeksies. Ons het slegs gekwalifiseerde messelaars en ambagsmanne in diens vir kwaliteit vakmanskap.

Bel ons vandag moenie uitstel nie

Dak bedekking

Dakbedekking en waterdigting

Ons dakafdeling is spesialiste in dakinstallasies - onderhoud - waterdigting voorsiening en klampdigtheid.Gekwalifiseerde dakbedekkers en ambagsmanne wat hul werk ken.

Instalasie van IBR plate & dakteëls


teëlwerk & verf

Ons het gekwalifiseerde teëlers wat aan al u teël behoeftes voldoen - porselein-keramiek-terracotta-trevatene noem maar op ons teël dit.stoepe wat geteël moet word balkonne voorkamers sitkamers kombuis ons teël dit.

Teëlwerk verf en hout vloere dekke

Gips Partisie

Gips-Partisie - Drywall

Domingo-plafonne en -verdelings is toegerus met gekwalifiseerde ambagsmanne en vakmanne wat aandag gee aan al u gips-drywall en opgeskort-afgeronde plafon behoeftes - Skottels-glaspaneel-afskortings- en werkstasies-kantoor tapyt installasies.

Gips partisies professioneel gedoen

Vloere en Dekke

Vloere & Dekke

Ons doen alle vorme van dek- en mezzanine-vloerhout of -staal hang af van die vereistes van die konstruksie-ingenieur. Balau-Masaranduba-Garapa-dekbome - Gelamineerde-denne - Vinylvloere - geen werk te groot of te klein nie.Alle gebiede selfs in die Paarl.

ons doen alle soort vloere dekke

Eiendom Opknappings

Eiendom Opknappings

Ons doen huishoudelike, industriële en kommersiële eiendomsinstandhoudingsdienste, waterdigting, loodgieterswerk en dreinering van stormwater elektriese opknappings veranderings en aanvullings vir die pleister van gips opgehang en afgeronde plafonne

Eiendom & Elektriese regstelling

Alluminium Vensters

alluminium vensters en deure

Een van ons afdelings Domingo Alluminium vervaardig en installeer alluminium vensters deure stapelaar deure winkel fronte glasafskortings raamlose glas balistrate skuifdeure skuifdeure-vensters glas paneel partisies,ons werk orals in die Weskaap.

Alluminium produkte installasies

Domingo Construction are building contractors and we work all areas in Cape Town

For peace of mind we are your building contractor to call,all our quotations are itemised know what you pay for.Weekly progress reports and daily site supervision.Competitive prices all our quotes is based on materials and labour cost.We work strictly according to building regulations.We do not take short cuts even if the client request it.

Ons is Bou kontrakteurs in Kaapstad

Daaglikse site bestuur kwaliteit vakmanskap.alle kwotasies word uitgewerk arbeid en materiale en ons werk slegs ingevolg van munisipale regulasies en ons vat nie kort paaie nie,nie eers as die klient dit versoek nie.tydlyne word uitgewerk hoe lank die projek sal duur met kwaliteit inspeksies.

We are a division of the Domingo Group of companies and we have various divisions in the construction discipline with years of experience in domestic industrials and multi story building works.We also do buildin cupboards cabinet making garden tables and chairs.


You name it we make it.

We also manufacture our own alluminium windows and doors our fully equipt workshop will attend to all your alluminium product needs we design to client specifications in all colours.We also manufacture on site no waiting period for alluminium windows and doors.


Competitive Prices

We also have our own building materials supply division,we also work on a labour only contract depending the client needs.labour only rates is in accordance with the Bargaining Council for the Building Industry rates.All our artisans and tradesmen are qualified.


Call Us Today- Phone- 087 711-0441

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us!


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Tui Na A Manual Of Chinese Massage Therapy Pdf Download

Japanese alternative medicine bodywork practice

Not to be confused with Shih Tzu.

Shiatsu (Chinese characters).svg

"Shiatsu" in new-style (shinjitai) kanji

Japanese name
Shinjitai 指圧
Romanization Shiatsu

Shiatsu ( shee-AT-, -⁠AHT-soo;[1] 指圧) is a form of Japanese bodywork based on pseudoscientific[2] concepts in traditional Chinese medicine such as the use of qi meridians. Having been popularized in the twentieth century by Tokujiro Namikoshi (1905–2000),[3] shiatsu derives from the older Japanese massage modality called anma.

There is no scientific evidence that shiatsu will prevent or cure any disease.[4] Although it is considered a generally safe treatment–if sometimes painful–there have been reports of adverse health effects arising from its use, a few of them serious.[3]

Description [edit]

In the Japanese language, shiatsu means "finger pressure". Shiatsu techniques include massages with fingers, thumbs, feet and palms; acupressure, assisted stretching; and joint manipulation and mobilization.[5] To examine a patient, a shiatsu practitioner uses palpation and, sometimes, pulse diagnosis.

The Japanese Ministry of Health defines shiatsu as "a form of manipulation by thumbs, fingers and palms without the use of instruments, mechanical or otherwise, to apply pressure to the human skin to correct internal malfunctions, promote and maintain health, and treat specific diseases. The techniques used in shiatsu include stretching, holding, and most commonly, leaning body weight into various points along key channels."[6]

The practice of shiatsu is based on the traditional Chinese concept of qi, which is sometimes described as an "energy flow". Qi is supposedly channeled through certain pathways in the human body, known as meridians, causing a variety of effects.[7] Despite the fact that many practitioners use these ideas in explaining shiatsu,[8] neither qi nor meridians exist as observable phenomena.[9] [10]

Efficacy [edit]

There is no evidence that shiatsu is of any benefit in treating cancer or any other disease, though some evidence suggests it might help people feel more relaxed.[4] In 2015, the Australian Government's Department of Health published the results of a review of alternative therapies that sought to determine if any were suitable for being covered by health insurance; shiatsu was one of 17 therapies evaluated for which no clear evidence of effectiveness was found.[11] Accordingly, in 2017, the Australian government named shiatsu as a practice that would not qualify for insurance subsidy, to ensure the best use of insurance funds.[12]

Shiatsu's claims of having a positive impact on a recipient's sense of vitality and well-being have to some extent been supported by studies where recipients reported improved relaxation, sleep, and lessened symptom severity.[3] However, the state of the evidence on its efficacy for treating any malady is poor, and one recent systematic review did not find shiatsu to be effective for any particular health condition.[13] It is generally considered safe, though some studies have reported negative effects after a treatment with shiatsu,[3] and examples of serious health complications exist including one case of thrombosis, one embolism, and a documented injury from a "shiatsu-type massaging machine".[14]

History [edit]

Shiatsu practitioners believe that an energy called ki flows through a network of meridians in the body.

Shiatsu evolved from anma, a Japanese style of massage developed in 1320 by Akashi Kan Ichi.[15] [16] Anma was popularised in the seventeenth century by acupuncturist Sugiyama Waichi, and around the same time the first books on the subject, including Fujibayashi Ryohaku's Anma Tebiki ("Manual of Anma"), appeared.[17]

Introduction page, Anma Tebiki

The Fujibayashi school carried anma into the modern age.[18] Prior to the emergence of shiatsu in Japan, masseurs were often nomadic, earning their keep in mobile massage capacities, and paying commissions to their referrers.[ citation needed ]

Since Sugiyama's time, massage in Japan had been strongly associated with the blind.[19] Sugiyama, blind himself, established a number of medical schools for the blind which taught this practice. During the Tokugawa period, edicts were passed which made the practice of anma solely the preserve of the blind – sighted people were prohibited from practicing the art.[15] As a result, the "blind anma" has become a popular trope in Japanese culture.[20] This has continued into the modern era, with a large proportion of the Japanese blind community continuing to work in the profession.[21]

Abdominal palpation as a Japanese diagnostic technique was developed by Shinsai Ota in the 17th century.[22] [23]

During the Occupation of Japan by the Allies after World War II, traditional medicine practices were banned (along with other aspects of traditional Japanese culture) by General MacArthur. The ban prevented a large proportion of Japan's blind community from earning a living.[ citation needed ] Many Japanese entreated for this ban to be rescinded. Additionally, writer and advocate for blind rights Helen Keller, on being made aware of the prohibition, interceded with the United States government; at her urging, the ban was rescinded.[24]

Tokujiro Namikoshi (1905–2000) founded his shiatsu college in the 1940s and his legacy was the state recognition of shiatsu as an independent method of treatment in Japan. He is often credited with inventing modern shiatsu. However, the term shiatsu was already in use in 1919, when a book called Shiatsu Ho ("finger pressure method") was published by Tamai Tempaku.[25] Also prior to Namikoshi's system, in 1925 the Shiatsu Therapists Association was founded, with the purpose of distancing shiatsu from anma massage.[25] [26]

Namikoshi's school taught shiatsu within a framework of western medical science. A student and teacher of Namikoshi's school, Shizuto Masunaga, brought shiatsu back to traditional eastern medicine and philosophic framework. Masunaga grew up in a family of shiatsu practitioners, with his mother having studied with Tamai Tempaku.[25] He founded Zen Shiatsu and the Iokai Shiatsu Center school.[27] Another student of Namikoshi, Hiroshi Nozaki founded the Hiron Shiatsu,[28] a holistic technique of shiatsu that uses intuitive techniques and a spiritual approach to healing which identifies ways how to take responsibility for a healthy and happy life in the practitioner's own hands. It is practiced mainly in Switzerland, France and Italy, where its founder opened several schools.[29]

See also [edit]

  • Acupressure
  • Alternative cancer treatments
  • Kiyoshi Ikenaga
  • Massage chair
  • Onsen
  • Reflexology

References [edit]

  1. ^ Wells, John (3 April 2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (3rd ed.). Pearson Longman. ISBN978-1-4058-8118-0.
  2. ^ Regal, Brian (2009). Pseudoscience: A Critical Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Press. p. 12.
  3. ^ a b c d Ernst, Edzard (2019). Alternative Medicine: A Critical Assessment of 150 Modalities. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 193–194. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12601-8. ISBN978-3-030-12600-1. S2CID 34148480.
  4. ^ a b "Shiatsu". Cancer Research UK. 13 December 2018.
  5. ^ Jarmey, Chris; Mojay, Gabriel (1991). Shiatsu: The Complete Guide. Thorsons. p. 8. ISBN9780722522431. Shiatsu therapy is a form of manipulation administered by the thumbs, fingers and palms, without the use of any instrument, mechanical or otherwise, to apply pressure to the human skin
  6. ^ "Welcome to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare".
  7. ^ "Shiatsu". Cancer Research UK. 13 December 2018.
  8. ^ E.g., Beresford-Cooke, Carola (2003). Shiatsu Theory and Practice: A Comprehensive Text for the Student and Professional. Churchill Livingstone. ISBN9780443070594. pp. 1–2.
  9. ^ Ernst E (2013). Healing, Hype or Harm?: A Critical Analysis of Complementary or Alternative Medicine. Andrews UK Limited. p. 203. ISBN978-1-84540-712-4. Vitalism generates no testable hypotheses and can neither be proven nor disproven. Detection of a signal on any type of physical apparatus implies that the signal mush have a physical origin—it must be a form of thermal, kinetic, electrical, electromagnetic, chemical, gravitational, or nuclear energy and, be definition, part of the mechanistic universe outside of which the hypothetical vital force dwells. Equally, even though we can't observe it directly in any way, it may still be there, in the same way that God may be there or in the same way that Russel's teapot may be there.
  10. ^ Ahn, AC; Colbert, AP; Anderson, BJ; Martinsen, ØG; et al. (2008). "Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians: A systematic review". Bioelectromagnetics. 29 (4): 245–56. doi:10.1002/bem.20403. PMID 18240287. Based on this review, the evidence does not conclusively support the claim that acupuncture points or meridians are electrically distinguishable.
  11. ^ Baggoley C (2015). "Review of the Australian Government Rebate on Natural Therapies for Private Health Insurance" (PDF). Australian Government – Department of Health. Lay summary – Gavura, S. Australian review finds no benefit to 17 natural therapies. Science-Based Medicine. (19 November 2015).
  12. ^ Paola S (17 October 2017). "Homeopathy, naturopathy struck off private insurance list". Australian Journal of Pharmacy.
  13. ^ Robinson, Nicola; Lorenc, Ava; Liao, Xing (2011). "The evidence for Shiatsu: a systematic review of Shiatsu and acupressure". BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 11 (88): 88. doi:10.1186/1472-6882-11-88. PMC3200172. PMID 21982157. (cited by Ernst 2019, p. 194).
  14. ^ E.g., Wada, Y.; Yanagihara, C.; Nishimura, Y. (2005). "Internal jugular vein thrombosis associated with shiatsu massage of the neck". Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 76 (1): 142–143. doi:10.1136/jnnp.2004.038521. PMC1739324. PMID 15608019. (cited by Ernst 2019, p. 194).
  15. ^ a b Jōya, Moku (1985). Mock Jōya's Things Japanese. The Japan Times. p. 55.
  16. ^ Fu ren da xue (Beijing, China). Ren lei xue bo wu guan; S.V.D. Research Institute; Society of the Divine Word (1962). Folklore studies. p. 235. Retrieved 11 May 2012.
  17. ^ Kaneko, DoAnn T (2006). Shiatsu Anma Therapy. ISBN9780977212804.
  18. ^ Louis Frédéric (2002). Japan Encyclopedia. Harvard University Press. pp. 28–29. ISBN978-0-674-01753-5 . Retrieved 11 May 2012.
  19. ^ Young, Jacqueline (2007). Complementary Medicine For Dummies. John Wiley & Sons. p. 99. ISBN9780470519684.
  20. ^ Beresford-Cooke, Carola (2010). Shiatsu Theory and Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences. ISBN9780080982472.
  21. ^ American Foundation for the Blind (1973). "The New outlook for the blind". 67: 178.
  22. ^ Carl Dubitsky (1 May 1997). Bodywork Shiatsu: Bringing the Art of Finger Pressure to the Massage Table. Inner Traditions * Bear & Company. p. 7. ISBN978-0-89281-526-5 . Retrieved 11 May 2012.
  23. ^ Kiiko Matsumoto; Stephen Birch (1988). Hara Diagnosis: Reflections on the Sea. Paradigm Publications. pp. 315–. ISBN978-0-912111-13-1 . Retrieved 11 May 2012.
  24. ^ Beresford-Cooke, Carola (2003). Shiatsu Theory and Practice: A Comprehensive Text for the Student and Professional. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 2. ISBN9780443070594.
  25. ^ a b c Anderson, Sandra K. (2008). The Practice of Shiatsu. Mosby Elsevier. p. 12. ISBN978-0-323-04580-3.
  26. ^ Stillerman, Elaine (2009). Modalities for Massage and Bodywork. Mosby. pp. 281–300. ISBN978-0323052559.
  27. ^ Jarmey, Chris; Mojay, Gabriel (1991). Shiatsu: The Complete Guide. Thorsons. p. 6. ISBN9780722522431.
  28. ^ Hiron Shiatsu
  29. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-01-03 . CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

External links [edit]

  • European Shiatsu Federation


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The Intelligent Investor By Benjamin Graham Ebook Free Download Pdf

Many ebook readers natively support PDF documents but, unfortunately, not all PDF documents are easy to read on a small ebook reader screen. Let's take a look at two simple and free ways to convert PDF files for enjoyable reading.

Kindles, Nooks, Sony Pocket Readers, and other popular readers support native PDF rendering. The problem with native rendering, however, is that many PDF documents are formatted to be read on a large screen or printed and read in hard copy. Large margins, multiple columns, and other formatting choices that aren't such a big deal when the document in printed on 8.5×11 paper or displayed on a 20″ monitor render the document almost unreadable when loaded into an e-reader with a 6″ screen. Today we're going to look at two ways you can re-format a PDF file for enjoyable reading on your favorite reader.

What You'll Need

For our tutorial you'll need the following things:

  • A copy of ebook management software Calibre.
  • A copy of K2pdfopt.
  • A PDF file to convert.
  • An e-reader to try the file out on.

We suggest keep a clean copy of your PDF test file in a separate directory so if all your conversion attempts go awry you'll have the original safe and sound.

Converting Using Calibre

Calibre is an awesome and open source ebook management tool. If you've read this far and have no intention of even mucking around with any PDF files you should go and download it regardless. It's a fantastic tool for managing ebooks and ebook readers. What we're interested in, book management aside, is the conversion tool built into Calibre.

If you're totally new to using Calibre and need help installing it and getting your books into it, check out one of our previous Calibre-based guides to get started. Once you've installed it and you've loaded up a book you want to convert it's time to get converting.

For our example we'll be using a particularly complex textbook (multiple columns, charts, graphic headers for each chapter, etc.) and a Kindle. First let's look at what the original PDF file looks like on the Kindle screen.

That's eye-squintingly small on a large monitor screen and nearly illegible on a Kindle screen. There's no way we could comfortable read that on a 6″ kindle screen without serious eye strain and a headache. Let's see if we can convert it with Calibre.

Open Calibre and right click on the book. Select Convert Books –> Convert individually. Here you'll find an enormously detailed menu with toggles and settings galore. It's easy to get overwhelmed and some of the settings are pretty arcane if you're unfamiliar with printing terms and/or search string expressions. For the first conversion stick with the default settings and convert between PDF and a suitable format for your ebook reader or even PDF to PDF to restructure multi-column PDF files into a more streamlined document.

When it's done converting you can check the formatting on your computer by double clicking on the converted file in the right hand book information column or you can transfer it to your device. We transferred it to the device to get a real sense of how it looked on the page.

Although we've used Calibre to convert hundreds of ebooks over the last few years with very few problems this particular PDF file proved to be a real challenge for it. The multiple columns, odd formatting choices, and other factors really stumped Calibre.

While Calibre normally does a fine job converting PDF files we picked one of the most difficult to convert PDFs we had on hand to demonstrate that things don't always go as planned. We also picked a really hard to convert PDF so that we could in turn show off the next tool in our tutorial, K2pdfopt. It's like the nuclear option when the normally reliable Calibre fails to crank out a working conversion.  If you find yourself in a similar boat, your complex PDF document didn't turn out right, you'll likely be thrilled with K2pdfopt.

Converting Optimizing PDF files using K2pdfopt

First, we want to give a big thanks to Abhijeet at Guiding Tech; we'd been looking for a tool like this and he tipped us off at just the right time. K2pdfopt is designed to optimize PDF documents for small screen e-readers. Rather than convert the document into raw text and try to reformat it, it instead carefully crops and realigns the pieces as though they were a series of images. The end result is a new PDF file that is really true to the original document and free from odd OCR blunders (as it doesn't attempt to convert or reflow the text).

Using K2pdfopt is a snap. Extract the executable into a folder, drag a PDF file onto the EXE and let it work—as seen in the screenshot above. We dropped the same difficult to format textbook PDF into K2pdfopt and crossed our fingers. Given how much Calibre struggled with the document we weren't sure what to expect. When the conversion completed (you'll see a copy of your PDF file with the file named annotated like filename_k2opt.pdf in the K2pdfopt folder) we copied it over to our Kindle and were shocked at how well it handled the complex text we threw at it.

The text is slightly less crisp than in our PDF to MOBI conversion (see the screen capture in the Calibre section) but it is all there, with proper formatting, and without any screwy OCR errors. Thanks to K2pdfopt we went from having a PDF that was illegible on the Kindle to having a PDF that was as easy to read as a clean photocopy.

The only downside we could find in using K2pdfopt was the increase in file size. A 15MB PDF file, when converted with K2pdfopt, ballooned to 93MB. When you consider how few conversions Calibre doesn't properly handle and how few books we'd need to actually send through the K2pdfopt image-based conversion process, though, it's not a bad trade off. We can stand to increase the file size on a few PDFs in order to gain access to a portable and easily read copy.

Update: Shortly after this article went live on the site Marcus wrote in and asked

What if you took the K2pdfopt.exe output and ran the resulting PDF through Calibre again to convert it to a MOBI or ePUB? Maybe that would stop Calibre from choking on the multi-column format since it would now be formatted more like a standard book. Could you guys try it out?

What if, Marcus? What if, indeed. We dove in deeper, Inception-style, and performed a test just as you requested. Calibre handled the conversion beautifully and the text cleaned up perfectly. How perfectly? Here's a snippet of the text seen in the screenshot above (which is properly formatted but a little grainy) after the reconversion process:

And there you have it. For a particularly tricky PDF file you can run it through K2pdfopt.exe, then dump it back into Calibre for a cleanup pass (check out how smooth the font is now in the above sample), and enjoy a totally optimized PDF. Good call, Marcus! The extra step only adds a few minutes to the process and really tidies things up.

Have a conversion tip, trick, or tool to share? We're interested to hear about it so shoot us an email at or sound off about it in the comments here.

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Statistics For Engineering And The Sciences Sixth Edition Pdf Download

Statistics Books for Machine Learning

Last Updated on August 14, 2020

Statistical methods are used at each step in an applied machine learning project.

This means it is important to have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of the key findings from statistics and a working knowledge of relevant statistical methods.

Unfortunately, statistics is not covered in many computer science and software engineering degree programs. Even if it is, it may be taught in a bottom-up, theory-first manner, making it unclear which parts are relevant on a given project.

In this post, you will discover some top introductory books to statistics that I recommend if you are looking to jump-start your understanding of applied statistics.

I own copies of all of these books, but I don't recommend you buy and read them all. As a start, pick one book, but then really read it.

Kick-start your project with my new book Statistics for Machine Learning, including step-by-step tutorials and the Python source code files for all examples.

Let's get started.

Statistics Books for Machine Learning

Statistics Books for Machine Learning
Photo by Luis Rogelio HM, some rights reserved.


This section is divided into 3 parts; they are:

  1. Popular Science
  2. Statistics Textbooks
  3. Statistical Research Methods

Need help with Statistics for Machine Learning?

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Click to sign-up and also get a free PDF Ebook version of the course.

Popular Science

Popular science books on statistics are those books that wrap up the important findings from statistics, like the normal distribution and the central limit theorem in stories and anecdotes.

Do not overlook these types of books.

I read them all the time even though I've pawed through statistics textbooks. The reasons I recommend them are:

  • They're a quick and fun to read.
  • They often give a fresh perspective on dry material.
  • They're for the lay audience.

They will help show you why a working knowledge of statistics is important in a way that you will be able to connect to your specific needs in applied machine learning.

There are many great popular science books on statistics; the three I would recommend are:

Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data

Naked Statistics - Stripping the Dread from the Data

Naked Statistics – Stripping the Dread from the Data

Written by Charles Wheelan.

For those who slept through Stats 101, this book is a lifesaver. Wheelan strips away the arcane and technical details and focuses on the underlying intuition that drives statistical analysis. He clarifies key concepts such as inference, correlation, and regression analysis, reveals how biased or careless parties can manipulate or misrepresent data, and shows us how brilliant and creative researchers are exploiting the valuable data from natural experiments to tackle thorny questions.

The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives

The Drunkard's Walk - How Randomness Rules Our Lives

The Drunkard's Walk – How Randomness Rules Our Lives

Written by Leonard Mlodinow.

With the born storyteller's command of narrative and imaginative approach, Leonard Mlodinow vividly demonstrates how our lives are profoundly informed by chance and randomness and how everything from wine ratings and corporate success to school grades and political polls are less reliable than we believe.

The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail – but Some Don't

The Signal and the Noise- Why So Many Predictions Fail – but Some Don't

The Signal and the Noise- Why So Many Predictions Fail – but Some Don't

Written by Nate Silver.

Drawing on his own groundbreaking work, Silver examines the world of prediction, investigating how we can distinguish a true signal from a universe of noisy data. Most predictions fail, often at great cost to society, because most of us have a poor understanding of probability and uncertainty. Both experts and laypeople mistake more confident predictions for more accurate ones. But overconfidence is often the reason for failure. If our appreciation of uncertainty improves, our predictions can get better too. This is the "prediction paradox": The more humility we have about our ability to make predictions, the more successful we can be in planning for the future.

Do you have a favorite popular science book on statistics?
Let me know in the comments below.

(Softer) Statistics Textbooks

You need a solid reference text.

A textbook contains the theory, the explanations, and the equations for the methods you need to know.

Do not read these books cover to cover; rather, once you know what you need, dip into these books to learn about those methods.

In this section, I have included a mixture of books including (in order) a proper statistics textbook, a text for those with a non-math background, and a book for those with a programming background.

Pick one book that suits your background.

All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical Inference

All of Statistics- A Concise Course in Statistical Inference

All of Statistics- A Concise Course in Statistical Inference

Written by Larry Wasserman.

The book includes modern topics like non-parametric curve estimation, bootstrapping, and classification, topics that are usually relegated to follow-up courses. The reader is presumed to know calculus and a little linear algebra. No previous knowledge of probability and statistics is required. Statistics, data mining, and machine learning are all concerned with collecting and analysing data.

Statistics in Plain English

Statistics in Plain English

Statistics in Plain English

Written by Timothy C. Urdan.

This introductory textbook provides an inexpensive, brief overview of statistics to help readers gain a better understanding of how statistics work and how to interpret them correctly. Each chapter describes a different statistical technique, ranging from basic concepts like central tendency and describing distributions to more advanced concepts such as t tests, regression, repeated measures ANOVA, and factor analysis. Each chapter begins with a short description of the statistic and when it should be used. This is followed by a more in-depth explanation of how the statistic works. Finally, each chapter ends with an example of the statistic in use, and a sample of how the results of analyses using the statistic might be written up for publication. A glossary of statistical terms and symbols is also included. Using the author's own data and examples from published research and the popular media, the book is a straightforward and accessible guide to statistics.

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50 Essential Concepts

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists- 50 Essential Concepts

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists- 50 Essential Concepts

Written by Peter Bruce and Andrew Bruce (Author)

Statistical methods are a key part of of data science, yet very few data scientists have any formal statistics training. Courses and books on basic statistics rarely cover the topic from a data science perspective. This practical guide explains how to apply various statistical methods to data science, tells you how to avoid their misuse, and gives you advice on what's important and what's not.

Many data science resources incorporate statistical methods but lack a deeper statistical perspective. If you're familiar with the R programming language, and have some exposure to statistics, this quick reference bridges the gap in an accessible, readable format.

What is your favorite statistics textbook?
Let me know in the comments below.

Statistical Research Methods

Once you have the foundations under control, you need to know what statistical methods to use in different circumstances.

A lot of applied machine learning involves designing and executing experiments, and statistical methods are required for effectively designing those experiments and interpreting the results.

This means that you require a solid grasp of statistical methods in research context.

This section provides a few key books on this topic.

It is hard to find good books on this topic that are not too theoretical or focused on the proprietary SPSS software platform. The first book is highly recommend and general, the second uses the free R platform, and the last is a classic textbook on the topic.

Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence

Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence

Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence

Written by Paul R. Cohen.

Computer science and artificial intelligence in particular have no curriculum in research methods, as other sciences do. This book presents empirical methods for studying complex computer programs: exploratory tools to help find patterns in data, experiment designs and hypothesis-testing tools to help data speak convincingly, and modeling tools to help explain data. Although many of these techniques are statistical, the book discusses statistics in the context of the broader empirical enterprise. The first three chapters introduce empirical questions, exploratory data analysis, and experiment design. The blunt interrogation of statistical hypothesis testing is postponed until chapters 4 and 5, which present classical parametric methods and computer-intensive (Monte Carlo) resampling methods, respectively. This is one of few books to present these new, flexible resampling techniques in an accurate, accessible manner.

Statistical Research Methods: A Guide for Non-Statisticians

Statistical Research Methods- A Guide for Non-Statisticians

Statistical Research Methods- A Guide for Non-Statisticians

Written by Roy Sabo and Edward Boone.

This textbook will help graduate students in non-statistics disciplines, advanced undergraduate researchers, and research faculty in the health sciences to learn, use and communicate results from many commonly used statistical methods. The material covered, and the manner in which it is presented, describe the entire data analysis process from hypothesis generation to writing the results in a manuscript. Chapters cover, among other topics: one and two-sample proportions, multi-category data, one and two-sample means, analysis of variance, and regression. Throughout the text, the authors explain statistical procedures and concepts using a non-statistical language. This accessible approach is complete with real-world examples and sample write-ups for the Methods and Results sections of scholarly papers. The text also allows for the concurrent use of the programming language R, which is an open-source program created, maintained and updated by the statistical community. R is freely available and easy to download.

Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation, and Discovery

Statistics for Experimenters- Design, Innovation, and Discovery

Statistics for Experimenters- Design, Innovation, and Discovery

Written by George E. P. Box,‎ J. Stuart Hunter, and,‎ William G. Hunter.

Rewritten and updated, this new edition of Statistics for Experimenters adopts the same approaches as the landmark First Edition by teaching with examples, readily understood graphics, and the appropriate use of computers. Catalyzing innovation, problem solving, and discovery, the Second Edition provides experimenters with the scientific and statistical tools needed to maximize the knowledge gained from research data, illustrating how these tools may best be utilized during all stages of the investigative process. The authors' practical approach starts with a problem that needs to be solved and then examines the appropriate statistical methods of design and analysis.

Do you have a favorite book on statistical research methods?
Let me know in the comments below?


You need to have a grounding in statistics to be effective at applied machine learning.

This grounding does not have to come first, but it needs to happen some time on your journey.

I think your path through statistics should start with a book, but really must involve a lot of practice. It is an applied field. I recommend developing code examples for every key concept that you learn along the way

Do you have any questions?
Ask your questions in the comments below and I will do my best to answer.

Have you read any great books on statistics?
Let me know in the comments below.

Get a Handle on Statistics for Machine Learning!

Statistical Methods for Machine Learning

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Revenge Of The Girl With The Great Personality Pdf Download

Fictional character

Emily Thorne
Revenge character

Emily VanCamp as Emily Thorne

First appearance "Pilot"
(episode 1.01)
Last appearance "Two Graves"
(episode 4.23)
Created by Mike Kelley
Portrayed by Emily VanCamp
Emily Alyn Lind (9 years old)
Alyvia Alyn Lind (5 years old)
In-universe information
Alias Emily Thorne
Michelle Banks
Eve Tucker
Allison Rodner
Diane Miller
Emily Grayson
Amanda Ross
Rebecca Stone
Anna Bishop
Gender Female
Occupation Philanthropist and socialite
Family David Clarke
(father, deceased)
Kara Clarke-Murphy
Gordon Murphy
(stepfather; deceased)
Charlotte Clarke
Charlotte Clarke
(great aunt; deceased)
Carl Porter
Spouse Rohan Kamath
Daniel Grayson
(ex-husband; deceased)
Jack Porter
Children Carl Porter
Residence Southampton, New York

Amanda Clarke, formerly known by the pseudonym Emily Rebecca Thorne (also known as Emily Rebecca Grayson during her marriage to Daniel Grayson), is a fictional character and the main protagonist of the ABC television series Revenge, portrayed by Emily VanCamp.[1]

Description [edit]

Emily Thorne has been described as a flawed and multifaceted heroine figure.[2] [3] She is emotionally scarred by her father's unjust imprisonment and a childhood spent in the foster care system, and she commits many morally questionable acts motivated by her obsessive desire for retribution against the woman who destroyed her family. Emily VanCamp, who portrays Thorne, described the character as having become "corrupted" to the point where she was concerned that it would be difficult to make Thorne appealing to audiences. Thorne usually appears calm and calculating, but as the series progresses, she begins to reveal vulnerabilities that impedes her efforts to get vengeance.[2] According to VanCamp, Thorne has tried to bury her emotions but has an unstable emotional side, which means her feelings come out in extremes.[4]

In Revenge, Thorne serves as a modern female version of Edmond Dantès, the main character of The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, the novel that inspired the series.[5] According to Anthony Letizia of, similar to Dantès being falsely imprisoned for 14 years on a false charge of treason, Thorne was imprisoned in juvenile detention[a] and her father was framed for financing a terrorist attack on the United States. Thorne has been left shares in Nolcorp, which she liquidates to the value of $40 billion and is a fund for her revenge against the Grayson family, making her the second richest character in the series after Nolan. Letizia notes several more similarities between the characters such as both of them training in combat after leaving incarceration in preparation for their plans of revenge and both pursuing revenge against a group of powerful and wealthy conspirators.[6]

Her pursuit of revenge has been noted as a sympathetic aspect of the character. Commentators cited the 2008–2012 global recession as making viewers more receptive to Thorne's efforts to get revenge against a group of privileged elites for the harm they caused her family.[2] [7] VanCamp described the character as "quite justified in what she's doing" adding that "everybody can connect with the theme of revenge, whether they act on it or not." The character's "girl next door" appearance is attributed as contributing to this appeal, with show producer Mike Kelly suggesting that it means viewers are "rooting for her even though she's doing something that's kind of diabolical."[8]

Madeleine Stowe, who portrays the antagonist Victoria Grayson on Revenge, has likened her own character to Thorne. Stowe notes the two characters as being complicated and said that Thorne is on a similarly amoral path as Victoria.[2] She suggests that because of these similarities her character is able to recognize "something really amiss" about Thorne.[9] Lyle Masaki of AfterElton also noted similarities between the characters stating that they are "equally cool customers, equally matched and neither are completely sympathetic."[10]

Like her father, she is incredibly intelligent and is capable of resolving complicated situations with great cleverness. She is also proficient in shooting and martial arts and speaks fluent French and Japanese. Emily does not kill her targets, although some of her actions have led to people dying at the hands of others.

"Illusion" reveals Emily's birthdate as July 11, 1984, making her 27–28 years old during the events of season 2, which takes place in 2012. She has a net worth of $1 billion, as stated on the show (although's biography states that "only Emily Thorne knows"). As of "Endurance" Emily's wounds from being shot in the stomach by Daniel have left her unable to have biological children.

Character arc [edit]

Background [edit]

Her mother, Kara Wilkins, was said to have died of illness when Amanda was five, although Amanda later discovered her mother isolated herself due to her psychological issues. David, who worked as a hedge fund manager at Grayson Global, was having an affair with his boss Conrad Grayson's wife, Victoria, and they were prepared to divorce their respective spouses to marry each other. During this time, Conrad Grayson, Victoria's husband, laundered money to a terrorist group, Americon Initiative, which they used to bring down Flight 197. Desiring to save themselves, Conrad and Victoria manipulated the evidence to point to David Clarke. The FBI arrested David for treason, while Amanda was taken into foster care for at least eight years, and she never saw her father again. She spent two years at Alanwood Juvenile Detention Center, until she was released to Nolan Ross, a friend of her father's, who informed her of the truth and gave her a wooden box of mementos from her father (dubbed the "Infinity Box"), along with 49% shares of stock in Nolan's computer software company, NolCorp, in which her father had invested. She has a tattoo on her wrist of a double infinity symbol, representing her father's love for "infinity times infinity", as he told her as a child. David had pleaded with her in his journals not to confront the true culprits behind Flight 197, but she refused to follow his advice. She spends several years researching the members of the conspiracy and creating an elaborate fake back-story by changing her name to the one of her former cellmate, to seek revenge.

Season 1 [edit]

The "Pilot" begins by showing the future "Fire and Ice" engagement party for Emily and Daniel Grayson, the son of Conrad and Victoria Grayson, taking place on Labor Day Weekend. All seems to be going well until a body assumed to be Daniel's is discovered on the beach by his sister Charlotte.

Five months before, Emily rents her childhood beach home and begins her revenge plan by destroying the careers and lives of the minor players in the conspiracy against her father, beginning with Lydia Davis, her father's secretary and Conrad's mistress. She saves Conrad and Victoria for last, and schemes to marry their son Daniel in order to have access to the Grayson family records.

Nolan Ross, a billionaire software developer and friend of David Clarke, recognizes Emily as Amanda and deduces her plans for revenge. He offers to assist her; she initially rejects him, but later counts on him as a trusted ally.

Daniel's college friend, Tyler Barrol, shows up in the Hamptons to stay with the Graysons. Emily is distrustful of him from the start, while Emily's friend and Victoria's event planner, Ashley Davenport, is smitten with him. When Lydia returns, determined to get her house and reputation back after her affair with Conrad was revealed, she blackmails the Graysons and Emily. Emily, however, sets her up to take the fall for her other takedowns, causing the Grayson head of security Frank Stevens to throw her off her balcony, although she survives.

Emily sends Conrad a video recording of the Frank and Lydia incident, which causes Conrad to fire Frank. As a result, Frank attempts to regain favor with the Graysons by digging into Emily's past. He discovers Emily's former cellmate, the real Emily Thorne who is posing as Amanda Clarke, but she murders him before he can warn Victoria. After "Amanda" alerts Emily to the killing, Emily sets up the Graysons for Frank's murder. Her attempts to send Amanda away fail, and her former cellmate stays in the Hamptons and becomes involved with Emily's old friend Jack Porter.

Tyler, meanwhile, becomes a larger problem, and Emily enlists Nolan to get rid of him, only for him to begin a romantic relationship with Tyler. Emily exposes Tyler's misdeeds, but Tyler ends up blackmailing Conrad when he tries to fire him. Emily steals the leverage Tyler has on Conrad, and Daniel evicts him from Grayson Manor. Daniel's birthday party later goes awry when Tyler appears and holds the party at gunpoint. Daniel and Jack get the upper hand and have Tyler arrested by the police.

Emily burns down the house of her antepenultimate target Mason Treadwell, an author who wrote a faux tell-all about David Clarke, destroying his work. Before the fire, she steals several of his interview tapes, which reveal that Charlotte, the Graysons' daughter, is her biological half-sister. Emily uses this against Victoria, and Conrad threatens to expose this information in the midst of their divorce proceedings.

Emily returns home one day to find her Infinity Box missing. Tyler, who has escaped custody, reveals himself as the thief and that he has kidnapped Amanda. When Amanda turns on Emily, she enlists her mentor Satoshi Takeda for assistance at her engagement party. Takeda retrieves her Infinity Box and murders Tyler on the beach before fleeing with Amanda. Returning to the starting point of the pilot, the partygoers find that the body is not that of Daniel, but Tyler, and Daniel becomes the prime suspect. Emily discovers that Victoria hired a contractor named Lee Moran to attack Daniel in order to have him released on bail. Emily implicates Moran in Tyler's murder, and he is later found dead in prison, seemingly having committed suicide, although Emily discovers that Conrad contracted to have him killed by the same man as her father's killer.

Investigating her father's murder, Emily learns that Conrad often spoke with a "white-haired man", whom she discovers is her father's killer. She becomes determined to kill him. Victoria acquires immunity as she exposes Conrad to the SEC. She later hands evidence of David Clarke's innocence over to Daniel, only for Emily to steal it from Daniel's briefcase.

The white-haired man abducts Nolan. Emily rescues him and attacks the white-haired man, but she spares his life. Nolan hands Victoria's evidence over to the SEC, but as Victoria and Lydia come forward as witnesses, the plane carrying them to the hearing crashes, supposedly killing them and destroying the evidence. However, Nolan reveals that he copied a hard drive in Conrad's evidence, which contains a video that reveals Emily's supposedly deceased mother to be alive.

Season 2 [edit]

Emily in the second season premiere.

In the second season premiere, the Amanda (Jack Porter's boat) is shown as having sunk, with at least one casualty. Three months earlier, Emily returns to the Hamptons after a long absence and begins to investigate what happened to her mother, Kara Wallace Clarke. At a Memorial Day party, Charlotte tells Emily that Victoria is alive and in hiding before she is taken back to rehab at Conrad's doing. After Emily visits Victoria, she contracts the white-haired man to kill her.

Victoria double-crosses the white-haired man (Gordon Murphy), who was helping her and Charlotte to disappear, causing him to seek out Emily for assistance. She asks for information about her mother, but Murphy attempts to kill her again. He is killed by Emily's ex-lover Aiden Mathis before she can learn more.

Kara eventually resurfaces, but recognizes Amanda, not Emily as her daughter. Mason Treadwell also returns, and discovers the truth about Amanda Clarke only to be framed by Emily for Gordon Murphy's death. They strike a deal in which he will take the fall until Emily finishes her revenge, in exchange for the rights to her biography and an exoneration.

Emily assists Daniel in becoming elected CEO of Grayson Global. His victory draws out Helen Crowley from the Initiative. Emily abducts Crowley and Aiden and "dies" in an ensuing shootout in a ruse to make Crowley trust Aiden. Convinced that Victoria was involved, Crowley blackmails Aiden into killing her, though he discovers her leverage is false. Believing her to be a danger to Daniel, Victoria kills Crowley and leads the Initiative to believe that Amanda was behind her disappearance.

The Initiative's intentions soon become clear: with the use of Nolan's incomplete "Carrion" project, they will disable the power in Manhattan for their next attack. To this end, they hire a young woman named Padma Lahari to obtain it from Nolan, though they develop a relationship.

Emily learns that Conrad has bought half of the Stowaway, Jack's bar, and urges Amanda to buy it back. When Conrad refuses to sell it, Amanda uses Emily's laptop without her knowledge to blackmail him. Emily spots a man on the Amanda as it is leaving for Jack and Amanda's honeymoon. Nolan identifies him as Nate Ryan, a mobster with a vendetta against Jack. The two of them rescue Jack, though in an ensuing fight Nate destroys the boat and mortally wounds Amanda, who dies in Emily's arms on the water.

Her thirst for revenge reignited, Emily sets out to identify and locate both "the Fa1c0n", a hacker employed by the Initiative, and Patrick, the secret firstborn son of Victoria. Because of the Fa1c0n, Nolan is unable to locate Padma before she is killed by "Trask" from the Initiative. Emily, Nolan and Aiden avenge Padma by having Lee arrested by the FBI, and killing Trask.

As Daniel and Emily become re-engaged, Takeda returns with knowledge of the Initiative's next attack, but he is killed by Aiden in a battle. Afterwards, Aiden and Nolan bankrupt the Graysons against Emily's wishes, which activates the stolen Carrion program and shuts down the power across all of New York, commencing the Initiative's next attack.

Emily learns that Takeda was tracking an assassin named Gregor Hoffman, who she finds posing as an IT tech at Grayson Global. Conrad, who reveals to Victoria his role in the Initiative, attempts to have Jack killed. In the midst of his gubernatorial election speech, an explosion occurs close by at the company with Jack and Declan inside. Emily later learns that while Jack escaped before the explosion, Declan did not. Daniel sends the police after Aiden, suspecting he perpetrated the attack, though Nolan is arrested due to the Fa1c0n's tampering. Aiden's fate is left uncertain after Daniel is seen with a bloodied shirt following a confrontation. After Declan dies of his injuries, Jack attempts to murder Conrad as he is making his winning speech. Emily stops him by revealing that she is Amanda Clarke.

Season 3 [edit]

In the third season premiere, Emily is shown in a wedding dress on a boat. She turns around, and apologizes to an unknown person, before she is shot twice, causing her to fall into the water. Two months earlier, she returns to the Hamptons having spent six months away. Emily poisons Conrad, which causes him to be falsely diagnosed with Huntington's disease. Emily and Daniel set a date for their wedding: August 8 (double infinity), the day she destroys Victoria.

Emily destroys a new David Clarke conspirator, Paul Whitley, now a priest. However, she determines that he has atoned for his own sins, but is unable to undo her takedown. Feeling guilt, she requests his assistance in making Conrad confess to the conspiracy. Later, Emily pulls up to a crashed car on the side of the road and finds Whitley severely injured. After Whitley dies of his injuries, Emily suspects that Conrad murdered him, but discovers that the brakes on his car were tampered with. It is revealed that Patrick - who has reunited with Victoria - caused the accident in an attempt to kill Conrad and protect his mother.

Emily reveals her final plan to Nolan and Jack: fake her death, and frame Victoria for her murder on her wedding day. To keep Daniel in her grasp, Emily claims she is pregnant. Lydia Davis, thought to have died in the plane crash at the end of season 1, returns and uncovers evidence that Emily has plotted against them. Lydia shows this evidence to Victoria, derailing her plan. In an argument, Emily reveals that she is not pregnant. Daniel overhears this and shoots her off the boat in a drunken rage.

Barely surviving, Emily is discharged into Victoria's care, where she meets Niko, Takeda's daughter, who poses as her nurse. Niko has an agenda of her own, having come to the Hamptons to hunt down her father's killer. Emily initially plans to flee the Hamptons, but she changes her mind when she discovers that her injuries have sterilized her. She outs Lydia as her shooter to the press, blackmailing Daniel and Victoria to remain in the Grayson family. Daniel dates Sara and sits with her in bed to irk Emily, then Emily calls Sara's mom and after some disagreement Sara decides to leave. In a fit of rage Daniel attacks Emily grabbing her by the hair and pushing her onto the bed, he then says sterilising her was his gift to the universe. Aiden is abducted by Niko, who has discovered he killed her father, and she vows to kill Emily as revenge. Emily manages to defeat Niko in a difficult struggle, but spares her life.

Stevie Grayson, a lawyer, Jack's mother and Conrad's ex-wife, is summoned to the Hamptons by Emily. She offers her assistance in Emily's scheme and reveals the existence of evidence disks confiscated by her law firm. Jack steals them, and they are revealed to contain a letter written by Victoria's lover Pascal LeMarchal, mentioning Aiden's father. Further investigations lead Aiden to Oscar Chapman, a reporter in hiding from the Graysons. Chapman reveals that Trevor Mathis was killed by Pascal, who in the present day tracks down Chapman and silences him as well. Emily poses as a Homeland Security agent and wins Pascal's allegiance in extracting a confession out of Conrad. However, this goes completely awry when he is pushed into a helicopter blade by Conrad and killed instantly.

With all other options exhausted, Emily abducts Charlotte and holds her for ransom, but then releases her sister and has her extract a confession from Conrad, which is then broadcast on television. Conrad is arrested and David Clarke is finally exonerated. Dead set on destroying Victoria, Aiden goes to Michelle Banks, Emily's old therapist, but Victoria - now aware that Emily is Amanda Clarke - anticipates Aiden's visit, and murders him as revenge for Pascal's death. In her final revenge against Victoria, Emily has her committed to a psychiatric facility. Emily walks away as Victoria struggles and repeatedly screams that Emily is Amanda Clarke.

Season 4 [edit]

In the fourth season premiere, picking up six months following the events of "Execution", Emily has taken over Grayson Manor. Conrad was murdered and Victoria remains under psychiatric care, concluding her revenge. Despite this, she slowly begins to move on, but is galvanized back into action when Victoria escapes.

One night, a hooded man attempts to kill Emily, but is scared off by Nolan. They are unable to recognize the assailant. Asked to look at police suspects, Emily is astonished to see her father, David Clarke among them. David claims that he was held captive by Conrad and tortured. However, Emily finds evidence suggesting that this is untrue and that David murdered Conrad. Victoria's hold over David delays Emily reconnecting with him. She eventually reveals herself to David, but he is unwilling to sever ties with Victoria.

Two men attempt to abduct David, though Emily intervenes. David reveals that a rival of Conrad named Malcolm Black is hunting him. Emily discovers evidence that links him to FBI Agent Kate Taylor. Taylor approaches Emily and claims that Malcolm Black is holding her mother hostage. As they discuss how to dispose of him, Taylor reveals that not only is she his willing operative, but she is his daughter. The two women engage in a violent battle. Daniel, who happens upon the fight while on the beach runs to Emily's assistance only to be killed by Taylor. Jack kills Taylor moments later.

Emily and Jack dispose of Kate's body and stage the scene as if Emily killed Daniel in self-defense. Seeking revenge, Malcolm Black abducts Emily and Victoria. Both women overcome him as David, Jack and the police find them. Emily brawls with Malcolm, but he gains the upper hand. Before he can kill her, David shoots Black into a furnace, killing him. After this, Emily begins a relationship with Jack's partner and later detective, Ben Hunter.

Margaux LeMarchal, Daniel's pregnant girlfriend, repeatedly attempts to destroy Emily, culminating in a miscarriage. Feeling guilt, Emily changes her public narrative of Daniel's death to one closer to the truth and reveals her true identity to the world. After her reputation is publicly ruined, Victoria ends her own life by detonating Grayson Manor while inside, but leaves evidence suggesting she was murdered. Emily is arrested by the police.

Jack and Nolan arrange for Margaux's arrest, allowing Emily to interrogate her. Margaux reveals that Victoria is in fact alive. Emily conveys this information to Ben, who investigates the home of a deceased woman whose body was used in the "murder". He finds Victoria, but is murdered by an assassin Margaux hired, "White Gold".

Emily escapes to hunt down Victoria, discovering that she used her mother's body in the setup. White Gold stabs Jack, which pushes Emily to her breaking point. She confronts Victoria for the final time with the intention of killing her for her crimes. Before she can fire, David appears behind her and kills Victoria, who shoots Emily in the back before succumbing to her wounds. Emily barely survives with the help of a heart transplant, which is revealed in a recurring nightmare to have come from Victoria. It is left ambiguous as to whether this nightmare is real.

David, who has cancer, is released on compassionate grounds before dying of the disease. Months later, Emily marries Jack and they sail off on their honeymoon. In a voiceover, she remarks that karma spared her from suffering the consequences of her actions, and asks the viewer to consider her story as they embark on a journey of revenge of their own.

Relationships [edit]

  • Victoria Grayson - Emily detests and hates Victoria for her role in her father's downfall and wishes only to see her suffer, making her the ultimate target of her revenge. While Emily shows no trace of her negative feelings around Victoria, the two have a tense relationship throughout the series especially when Emily begins dating Daniel, Victoria's beloved son. Victoria's distrust of Emily goes as far as to suggest framing her for Tyler's murder because it was committed with her weapon, and contracting Gordon Murphy, who killed David, to kill Emily. Victoria later uncovers Emily's true identity and, feeling that she is responsible for the death of Pascal LeMarchal, murders Aiden. In retaliation, Emily leaves her in a mental institution. After six months, Victoria manages to escape and takes revenge on Emily by getting to her father first and feeding him lies. Emily admits that she has considered killing Victoria, but has not gone through with it because she had no intention of causing death and too many lives had been lost by that point.
  • Charlotte Grayson/Clarke - Initially, Emily and Charlotte had no interactions, until Emily discovered Charlotte was her half-sister from Mason Treadwell's interview tapes, and they grow close. Charlotte becomes one of the few people Emily seeks to protect from her revenge scheme. Charlotte developed an addiction to oxycodone, and she attempted suicide in the first season finale, though Emily's reaction to this was never depicted. At one point, Emily attempts to console Charlotte on her porch swing by telling Charlotte a story she remembers from her childhood that she claims Amanda told her. Charlotte trusted Emily enough to tell her that Victoria was alive and in hiding. Emily is shown to realize the relationship she is missing with Charlotte by posing as the real Emily Thorne, and vice versa. When Charlotte announces her decision to change her surname to Clarke on her 18th birthday, Emily is seen smiling. Animosity develops on Charlotte's part towards Emily when she discovers her pregnancy was false, and continues in spite of Emily revealing her true identity as her sister. Charlotte is so angered that she subdues Emily in the Stowaway and sets it ablaze in an attempt to kill her. Emily decides to forgive Charlotte, who later calls on her for help when she accidentally kills a man she had slept with, who threatened her father. Taking Emily's advice, Charlotte leaves for rehab.
  • Nolan Ross - Emily met Nolan when he released her from juvenile detention in 2002. He gave her the Infinity Box, which contained her father's possessions and proof of his innocence. Years later, when Emily returns to the Hamptons, Nolan offers his assistance, which she initially refuses. Despite being antagonistic with him at the start, Emily finds his technical genius and ability to be quite useful, though her plans put him in physical danger numerous times. She later warms to him and accepts him as a friend and trusted ally. Nolan also acts as her conscience and tries to reason with her when he feels she is taking things too far. Nolan considers Emily to be family, going so far as to give up Nolcorp, his company, to Grayson Global to prevent a forensic investigation that would expose Emily. Nolan affectionately refers to Emily as "Ems". Some fans support a romantic relationship between Nolan and Emily. While Gabriel Mann has entertained the prospect of "Nemily",[11] creator Mike Kelley and VanCamp are opposed to the idea, considering Nolan and Emily to have a sibling relationship.[12] [13]
  • Daniel Grayson- As part of her revenge scheme, Emily planned to seduce Daniel and marry him to gain access to Grayson Global, in order to find evidence of her father's innocence. However, this is complicated by real feelings that Emily develops for him. They become engaged midway through the first season, although Daniel's decision to conceal his father's part in framing David Clarke ruins her love for him. The engagement ends when Ashley tells Daniel she saw Emily and Jack kissing. However, Daniel never quite gets over Emily, and she still views him as someone useful. They reunite, with Emily asking to take it slow, although she has a dream at one point where they engage in passionate sex. They become engaged again in season 2 and marry in the first part of season 3. However, on their honeymoon boat Daniel discovers Emily has been using him and shoots her off in a drunken rage. Emily becomes sterile as a result of these wounds, but stays in the marriage through blackmail for a little longer. After Daniel learns Emily's real identity, they become cordially, if not exactly friendly. Daniel finally understands why she used him, although he still resents her. Daniel overhears Emily fighting with Kate Taylor and runs to her assistance, taking a fatal gunshot wound for her. In his final moments, Emily holds him and admits that despite all that happened everything that the two shared was real.
  • Aiden Mathis - Emily met Aiden in 2006 at a New York nightclub when she was sent by Satoshi Takeda to access the kidnapper of Aiden's sister Colleen. Emily stops him from killing his sister's kidnapper twice and puts herself in physical danger to rescue him. Two years later, a flashback shows that Aiden was recruited by Takeda and that he and Emily had begun a relationship, a weakness Aiden exploited in their training. Aiden prepares to leave when Takeda locates his sister, and chooses to bring Emily, although he instead leaves her behind. This causes Emily to become embittered towards him in season 2, rejecting his attempts to reconcile. She eventually forgives Aiden and they rekindle their relationship. The two argue often, but have a deep love for one another. Aiden wishes for Emily to finish her revenge so that they can be together. This dream is shattered, however, when Victoria murders Aiden in cold blood.
  • Amanda Clarke - "Amanda Clarke", or the real Emily Thorne, was Emily's cellmate in juvenile detention. Initially, the two often engaged in physical fights, although they later became friends at the suggestion of their warden. Emily visits her friend in juvie and they agree to switch identities in return for $500,000. Eight years later, "Amanda" reunites with Emily when she murders Frank Stevens after he discovers their secret. Amanda then begins to complicate Emily's plans by becoming involved with Jack Porter and thus endangering him to the Graysons. Though the two have a rivalry, Amanda stands by her vow to "do anything" for Emily. Tyler later kidnaps Amanda and turns her against Emily, although she ultimately remains loyal to Emily and disappears from the Hamptons for several months. By the time she returns, she is six months pregnant with Jack's child, which breaks Emily's heart. Amanda, freshly trained by Takeda as an asset to Emily remains loyal even after she nearly loses her baby in a fall. At her son's baptism, she notices Emily's misery and believes she deserves a family like hers, a claim Emily rebuffs. Amanda desired to confess her identity to Jack, feeling guilt for stealing him from Emily, although Emily advised against it. In her dying moments, Amanda returns a locket necklace that Emily gave her years ago and thanks her for giving her a "real family". Emily is incredibly devastated after Amanda's death, which fuels her to refocus her revenge back onto the Graysons.
  • Kara Wallace Clarke - Emily had very few memories of her mother, who she believed dead of an illness unknown to her. After learning that she is in fact alive, Emily postpones her revenge plan and goes so far as to put Amanda's life on the line to locate her mother, only to be disappointed when she finally resurfaces. As a child, Kara's psychological issues led her to attempt to drown Emily, and to keep her from danger Kara left the Clarke family, David lying that she succumbed to her sickness. Despite Kara believing Amanda is her daughter, Emily attempts to build a friendly relationship with her mother through Amanda's son. Emily even visits Victoria to give her a wedding gift, which is really a ploy to see her mother for the "last" time. While she loves her mother, Emily knows that she is a danger to those around her and convinces her to leave the Hamptons after Aiden stops her from murdering the Graysons when she learns the truth about David. As Emily watches Kara leaving, she has a flashback where her mother sings to her as a child.
  • Gordon Murphy - As the killer of her father, Emily resents Murphy. It did not appear as if Emily was interested in identifying her father's killer until she listened into a conversation between Murphy and Conrad Grayson, which revealed their involvement in David's murder. Deciding that she will kill Murphy, the only time she has ever expressed interest in murdering someone herself, she reveals herself as Amanda Clarke to him and is brought to his secret torture chamber, where they engage in a fight, though she chooses to honor her father by not going through with the killing. This in turn leads to the destruction of the evidence Emily had accumulated when Murphy detonates the plane carrying Lydia and Victoria. Although Murphy meets with the Graysons a few times after the fight with Emily, for unknown reasons he does not reveal her identity to them. In season 2, Murphy asks Emily for tapes that will exonerate him as the "kidnapper" of Victoria, but when she asks for her mother he attempts to kill her only to be killed by Aiden Mathis. Emily later learns that Murphy is her stepfather through marriage to Kara Clarke.
  • Satoshi Takeda - Takeda recruited Emily after she was referred to him by Warden Stiles. From what has been seen thus far, it appears that while she could often be frustrated with Takeda, she still deeply respected him. In the present day, they have more differences and argue more often. Examples of this are when Takeda chastises her for being in love with Daniel and their fight in her home when he reveals he is Tyler's murderer and that he framed Daniel and Jack. At the start of season 2, after Aiden stops Emily from intentionally drowning (as a method of remembering her mother), Takeda disapproves of her desire to find her mother as it conflicts with revenge for her father. To this, Emily replies that after she learns her mother's fate, she will take down everyone who kept them apart, Takeda included. She also angrily thinks Takeda sent her a "nanny" in the form of Aiden when he comes to the Hamptons to help her. Takeda returns to the Hamptons months later and attempts to take Aiden away after revealing his past to Daniel, for which Emily scolds him. Takeda refuses to allow her and Aiden to help him prevent the Initiative's attack. In spite of Takeda's faults as perceived by Emily, she cries bitterly upon finding his body. Emily would later learn that Takeda was using her and Aiden to avenge the death of his fiancé, an unrecorded passenger on Flight 197.

Reception [edit]

The choice of VanCamp to portray the character was generally well-received among critics, with Scott Pierce of The Salt Lake Tribune citing VanCamp's past involvement with Everwood and Brothers & Sisters as helping audiences contrast Thorne's sympathetic appearance with her ruthless pursuit of vengeance.[8] VanCamp's portrayal of the character has been praised by several critics for how she has depicted Thorne's charming and duplicitous nature.[7] [14] Daniel Fienberg of HitFix has been more negative regarding the portrayal of the character. When the show premiered Fienberg stated that, while he was appreciative of VanCamp's work on other shows, he felt she was "passive" in the role of Thorne and that she portrayed the character as "robotically efficient", which made Thorne a less sympathetic character for him.[15]

Catherine Weagle of the Salem State Log criticized VanCamp's portrayal, stating that Thorne's "revenge glare" was not sufficiently intimidating and also found it implausible that Thorne would be able to keep her true identity a secret.[16] An initial review by Maureen Ryan of AOLTV was negative regarding the portrayal of the character, though Ryan faulted the premise of the show as making it difficult for VanCamp to portray Thorne realistically.[17] Ryan became more positive about the character's portrayal as the show progressed stating that VanCamp had "made Emily more interesting than the character almost has a right to be."[18]

Thorne's voice-over narrations during the show were described by Stephanie Goldberg of CNN as "insightful" and as being able to get the support of viewers, but other commentators have criticized the narrations as cliché and formulaic.[19] [20] Fienberg stated that the narrations were devoid of meaning and attributed it to ABC having "an in-house style that says that having your female lead narrate nothingness at the start of every episode is a worthy strategy", which he stated does not provide a good setting for a story about revenge.[15]

Some critics favorably compared the role of Thorne on Revenge to that of Dexter Morgan on the Showtime series Dexter. Tierney Bricker of E! states that, like Dexter, Thorne captivates audiences even when they may not support her actions.[14] In a review of the episode "Infamy" for ChicagoNow, Andrew Daglas noted the portrayal of Thorne burning down Treadwell's home in the episode and suggested that Thorne's actions would prompt audiences to question their sympathies for the character's pursuit of revenge. Daglas then states that the character of Dexter has prompted similar questions, adding that in both series the characters force viewers "to realize how easily our darkest impulses can bubble up to the surface, and how those impulses become more dangerous when they're wrapped in a nobler guise like justice."[21]

In other media [edit]

In early 2014, it was announced that Marvel Comics and ABC Studios had plans to jointly develop a comic book inspired by Revenge that detailed the origin of Emily Thorne.[22] Co-authored by Ted Sullivan (a writer for the show) and Erica Schultz, and illustrated by Vincenzo Balzano, Dustin Nguyen, and Felix Ruiz, Revenge: The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne was published September 2, 2014.[23] The story is set in Switzerland years before the events of the television series and follows Emily/Amanda on her first revenge mission, aided by her mentor Takeda.[24] [25] Marvel has stated that the comic's plot is considered canon.[24]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ Letizia says that Emily was imprisoned for ten years, while according to episode 3 of season 1, Emily was only imprisoned for two years, from ages 16 to 18. "Ten years" comes from the pilot episode in which Emily tell Nolan she hadn't seen her father for ten years.

References [edit]

  1. ^ "ABC: Charlie's Angels on Thursdays, Once Upon a Time on Sundays - IGN". 2011-05-17. Retrieved 2013-01-04 .
  2. ^ a b c d Keveney, Bill (13 February 2012). "'Revenge' is sweet for stars, ABC and fans seeking escape". USA Today . Retrieved 8 October 2012.
  3. ^ Cuthbertson, Ian (26 March 2012). "The good, the bad and the vengeful". The Australian . Retrieved 8 October 2012.
  4. ^ Abrams, Natalie (11 October 2011). "Emily VanCamp: Emily Thorne Isn't the Only One Getting Revenge". TV Guide . Retrieved 8 October 2012.
  5. ^ Vickery, Colin (7 February 2012). "Emily Vancamp's sweet revenge in prime-soap premiering on Channel Seven on Monday". The Daily Telegraph . Retrieved 1 October 2012.
  6. ^ Letizia, Anthony. "Revenge and The Count of Monte Cristo". Archived from the original on 17 August 2012. Retrieved 4 October 2012.
  7. ^ a b Rodman, Sarah (21 September 2011). "In 'Revenge,' a killer time in the Hamptons". The Boston Globe . Retrieved 9 October 2012.
  8. ^ a b Pierce, Scott D. (21 September 2011). "Review: "Revenge" looks like delicious TV fun". Salt Lake Tribune . Retrieved 9 October 2012.
  9. ^ Seibel, Deborah Starr (15 January 2012). "Sweet 'Revenge'". New York Post . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  10. ^ Masaki, Lyle (16 December 2011). "The Year in Television: Our Three Favorite New Dramas". AfterElton. Archived from the original on 18 November 2012. Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  11. ^ "Revenge - Revenge Season 2 Spoiler: Will Nolan Ross Find Love With a Woman? Mike Kelley Tells All!". 2012-07-27. Retrieved 2013-01-04 .
  12. ^ "Revenge Creator: [Spoiler Alert] Will Never Kiss! But Guess Which Love Triangle Is So On? | E! Online". 2012-02-29. Retrieved 2013-01-04 .
  13. ^ "Revenge - Who Is Emily Thorne's True Love on Revenge? Actress Emily VanCamp Dishes!". 2012-07-31. Retrieved 2013-01-04 .
  14. ^ a b Bricker, Tierney (7 September 2011). "Fall TV Preview: Meet Your New Favorite Guilty Pleasure...Revenge". E! . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  15. ^ a b Fienberg, Daniel (21 September 2011). "TV Review: ABC's 'Revenge'". HitFix . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  16. ^ Weagle, Catherine (18 November 2011). "ABC's New Drama "Revenge" Leaves Viewers Wanting More". Salem State Log. Archived from the original on 21 April 2013. Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  17. ^ Ryan, Maureen (20 September 2011). "Review: 'Revenge' Promises Soapy Escapism, But Does Emily VanCamp's Show Deliver?". AOLTV . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  18. ^ Ryan, Maureen (9 November 2011). "'Revenge' on ABC Is Sweet: Let Us Count the Ways". AOLTV . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  19. ^ Goldberg, Stephanie (2 December 2011). "Obsessions: How ABC's 'Revenge' snuck up on us". CNN . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  20. ^ Seitz, Matt Zoller (21 September 2011). ""Revenge" is a dish that serves itself in bits and pieces". Salon . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  21. ^ Daglas, Andrew (14 January 2012). "Revenge: "Infamy" - Burnin' Down The House". ChicagoNow . Retrieved 14 October 2012.
  22. ^ "Discovers Secrets in the Revenge Original Graphic Novel". Marvel Entertainment. February 18, 2014. Retrieved 5 November 2014.
  23. ^ Revenge: The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne. ASIN 0785190392.
  24. ^ a b Lueng, Jason. "Marvel Comics First Look: "The Secret Origin of Emily Thorne"". ABC Studios. The Walt Disney Company. Archived from the original on 6 November 2014. Retrieved 5 November 2014.
  25. ^ Truitt, Brian. "ABC's 'Revenge' soap opera spills into graphic novel". USA Today. Gannett Company. Retrieved 5 November 2014.

External links [edit]

  • Emily Thorne on IMDb


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